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karen g. williams, Ph.D. is a cultural anthropologist who focuses her research on the carceral state and the aftermath of mass incarceration. In her work, “From Coercion to Consent?: Governing the Formerly Incarcerated in the 21st Century United States” Williams investigates the use of evidence based practices in prisoner reentry policy and its impact on prison culture. Williams is a 2021 Mellon/ACLS Community College Faculty Fellow. She is interested in building relationships and communities that are thinking through and building a robust abolitionist movement. Through this work she seeks to address avenues to respond to systemic inequalities in ways that highlight the interconnectedness between all life. Assistant Professor of Anthropology at Guttman Community College, Williams also serves as the Vice-President of Insight Meditation Society’s board. When she is not teaching or writing, she can be found knitting but mostly caring for her little human.
If you have questions about this event or upcoming events, or if any disability accommodations would help you to participate fully in these events, please contact Nicole Lavacchia ([email protected]). Columbia University makes every effort to accommodate individuals with disabilities, so please let us know if any changes, for instance to the format of the sound system, would be helpful.